
BiosmoZ gives the opportunity to its customers to make responsible purchase!

Buy BiosmoZ responsibly

responsibly buy

A purchasing manager?

In fact, thanks to our collaboration with Reforest'Action, we give you the opportunity to plant a tree for € 0,99 € to offset the CO2 emissions related to your order.

What Reforest'Action?

Specialist reforestation in France and worldwide, Reforest'Action is a socially oriented initiative that allows individuals and businesses to take concrete action in favor of the environment through an original approach. planting trees! Their actions are mainly based in France, Senegal, Peru, Guatemala and India. Since its creation in 2010 by the 5Continents company Reforest'Action has planted more than 500,000 trees, sensitized over 100,000 employees and customers of companies and generated a positive impact on the lives of over 15,000 people worldwide. For more information, visit: